Exclusive: Lenka DiNozzi on New Markets, LatAm, and iGaming Event Plans


  • interview with GBC TIME

  • Market Expansion Italy and Brasil

  • Market Expansion in LatAm

  • Marketing in iGaming

In an exclusive interview with GBC, our Head of Marketing, Lenka DiNozzi, shared our plans to enter new markets and GEOs, mentioning our focus on entering the Brazilian market. Furthermore, she also revealed our strong interest in and plans for LatAm and Italy.

Lenka also gave insight into our event planning, brainstorming sessions, and other creative processes our team goes through before every iGaming event. She revealed how these processes help us create the most unique stand and merchandise for these events. She even gave a sneak peek into our ideas for the upcoming SBC Summit, where we’ll have an old-school arcade game and visitors can win exclusive merchandise - the lucky winners will be announced every day at 4 PM!

Finally, Lenka talked about our most famous slots and the reason behind their popularity among players in different regions, including how our slot Joker Stoker has captured the hearts of players in the Balkans.

Сheck the full interview on GBC TIME to get the full scoop!


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