We were interviewed at G2E Expo with Gambling Insider!


  • G2E Asia 2022

  • Interview with Gambling Insider

Gambling Insider found us at G2E Asia in Singapore and got the chance to ask Kirill, our Senior Sales Director at Endorphina, a few juicy questions about our next plans, how we like G2E Asia so far, and more. Kirill reveals that G2E Asia has been a huge surprise so far, that it's been great and crowded, that Endorphina has gained new leads and partners, and that we plan on expanding our partnerships here even more. The slots we've brought to the event were designed specifically for this market, and we look forward to our next upcoming events - SBC Barcelona and SiGMA Malta!

Interested? Take a look at the full video interview! 



¡Sé el primero en conocer los próximos lanzamientos, nuestros nuevos socios, los eventos del sector y mucho más!

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