Meet Jakub and David at Gaming in Germany!


  • 2020 Gaming in Germany conference

  • Gaming in Germany

The 2020 Gaming in Germany Conference event is already taking place next week in Berlin to bring together key stakeholders and decision makers of the iGaming industry! 
This year, the event will discuss the newly announced fourth Interstate Gambling Treaty as well as promising future business opportunities. We're thrilled to announce that our very own Head of Legal Jakub Kolomicenko and Sales Manager David Jamieson will be joining in this exciting event! Gaming in Germany will provide countless networking opportunities and to absorb the latest insights from the iGaming sphere.

Interested in talking business or chatting with Jakub or David? Meet them on 19/10 in GRAND HYATT, BERLIN!


¡Sé el primero en conocer los próximos lanzamientos, nuestros nuevos socios, los eventos del sector y mucho más!

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