Meet Endorphina online at G2E Asia!


  • G2E 2021 Asia

Yep that's right, we'll be digitally attending this year's G2E Asia's Online Expo & Conference already on May 25, 2021! 

G2E Asia Online Expo & Conference is the premier platform for staying connected to the Asian gaming industry no matter where you are. 

As the industry prepares for an exciting return to Macau with the in-person event in August 2021, this online event will serve as an engagement opportunity. It is a one-stop online arena for promoting items, generating important leads, and significantly increasing the return on your investment.

Our very own Wanwisa, Zdenek, and Cheryl from Endorphina will definitely meet you on the platform to stay up to speed with what's happening in the industry. 
We can expect nothing less than a content-rich agenda guided by a roster of high-level industry executives, influencers, and experts. They'll all be providing direct exposure and understanding of the rising markets in this season. 


¡Sé el primero en conocer los próximos lanzamientos, nuestros nuevos socios, los eventos del sector y mucho más!

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