Join our welcome party at Enada Primavera 2023!


  • La Grande Festa d'Endorphina

  • Endorphina's party at Enada Primavera

We're thrilled to announce that we're throwing a special Endorphina welcome party for Enada Primavera 2023 called "La Grande Festa d'Endorphina" and we can't wait for you to join us!

On March 14, 2023, we'll be hosting an unforgettable night of entertainment and delicious food at Quarto Piano (Via G. Chiabrera, 34/C, Rimini) in Rimini. The party will start at 7:00 PM and we promise to keep the good vibes going until the early hours of the morning!

If you're interested in attending, please fill out the registration form to secure your spot. It's going to be a night to remember, so don't miss out! And while you're there, make sure to check out our fantastic game, Minotauros, which promises to take you on an epic adventure. We can't wait to see you there!


¡Sé el primero en conocer los próximos lanzamientos, nuestros nuevos socios, los eventos del sector y mucho más!

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