
  • endorphina events

  • Betting on Sports 2017

Endorphina is excited to announce that we’ll be attending this year’s Betting on Sports 2017 on September 12th — September 15th!

What exactly is the Betting on Sports 2017? It’s the largest sports betting event of the year and it will be taking place in London! If you’re interested in sports betting or are involved in the gambling industry, this event should definitely be marked on your calendars. This is where you can have all your questions heard and pick up on some answers and insights from leading experts.

This conference will focus on everything related to sports and betting, including topics like esports, racing, basketball, ice hockey, tennis, golf, and all your other favorites. The administrators announced that over 1,200 senior executives with 150 leading industry speakers will be attending. This is a great opportunity for Endorphina to take part in and absorb key updates from the industry. There will also be 60 exhibitors at the event, so there will be time dedicated to meeting, greeting, and networking. It’s not too late to get your tickets and register for the Betting on Sports 2017 event!

If you are interested in meeting with Endorphina’s team, our representatives Jan and Nikita will be there to answer your questions and give you some insights. Please be sure to book a meeting with us so that we can expect you and make sure we discuss some business together. We hope to see you there!


¡Sé el primero en conocer los próximos lanzamientos, nuestros nuevos socios, los eventos del sector y mucho más!

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